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Pop-up Book
Children Pop-up Book
Item NO.:CPB-PUB00001
Features:pop-up book for chil
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Pop-up book is also called toy book, the biggest difference between pop-up book and paper sculpture, three-dimensional greeting card and paper toy is: the pop-up book has book’s content and feature. Dating back the history of pop-up book, it should be one of the special classifications of children literature publications, more precisely, an extension or alternative picture book of "engaged strange class"or"creative upgrade "of picture books. There are other fundamental differences between pop-up book, picture book, paper crafts, paper sculpture and paper toy. 

Features of pop-up book: 

It has mechanical design which helps readers understand the content or meaning of the book.
It extends or strengthens space outside the plane graphic to increase the readers’ understanding or stimulate their imagination. 

It extends the three-dimensional space, sound, image or picture and adds fun effects or surprise to strengthen the readers’ attention and interest in the book. 

It should be interactive and actionable and can be turned, pulled, pushed, rotated, expanded, closed, extended, spread, which will increase the visual and interactive effects. 

It should have content, text or image with the meaning of education, rather than pure decoration or fun. 

It has materials or parts other than ordinary paper, 

It can be attached or embedded to the entry page, or hided in the cover or other reading materials to increase the readability of fun. 
To conclude, the pop-up book should have these features: knowledgeable content, equipped mechanism , design principles, materials, flip, production, discovery, experience, adventure, surprise effect, renovation, creative development, collection. 

In addition, the imagination that knowledge and cultural content endowed to readers gives the value and meaning to pop-up book.
Pop-up book expresses its feelings and ideas by means of “paper”, it is a kind of traditional and modern technology, it uses the basic scientific knowledge, but may also involve more complex scientific principles.Children in different ages can join the design and creation of paper crafts based on their psychological and intellectual development stage and hand-brain coordination ability and skills to complete different types of pop-up book. All pop-up books that can stimulate the children to see, to get involved, to look through, to lift, to open, to fold, to explore. Visual illustration should be firstly pursued. Let the pages move themselves, the contents of book jump out of the cover page to extend readers’ horizon greatly and evoke
childhood memories. They will keep a surprise, can’t put it down! 
Having fun is the child’s nature, game is child’s focus of life, the most commonly seen tool is toy; learning is the necessary process of child’s growing up,and the most typical form of learning is book; 
Pop-up book has both the content and form of book, also has the fun and functions of toy. It jumps out of the scope of plane book and creates three-dimensional space; provides children with objects that they can "play" with hands; designs mechanism and structures that allow children to discover and explore, allow children to experience the visual images of aesthetic appreciation. It has a script, screen and stage, children can write and perform scientific knowledge, fairy tales, literary classics on their own so that the whole process of reading are full of imagination, creativeness and interaction. 

Pop-up book is a kind of children’s educational book with a hundred years of history in Europe and America, it is both a "book" and a "toy", giving the readers wonderful feeling. Compared with books, it is pretty fun; compared with toys, it is engaging and playable. It can stimulate the naturally curious children to see with their eyes, touch with their hands and think with their brains.British authorized children education experts praise the pop-up book a kind of "readable toy or playable book." 
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